Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I need a J-O-B!

Hello there! Just a quick update - everything is pretty much settled into the house now. Last week I applied for a couple of jobs in the neighboring town, but I haven't heard anything yet. I can't remember if I've said anything about the AMMP's job not providing health insurance. For complicated reasons, they have a Health Savings Account instead. If we were to buy insurance for our family, the monthly premium would be $720/month! The HSA has $7000 in it, so obviously that's not going to be enough to cover it. However, we can use it like a flex plan for Dr. visits, prescriptions, eyeglasses, etc. The jobs I applied for will have full benefits after 30 days, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep me (and my family) in your thoughts & prayers. Besides the benefits, we really need for me to have a full time job so that the AMMP's paychecks don't have to be spread so thin.
On a completely different note, it's Homecoming Week at our school. The kids have really been getting into it. Geek Boy is even going to the Homecoming dance! Friday is a burger feed at the school, pep fest & Homecoming parade (including the marching band). I can't wait to see what the AMMP has been able to accomplish with the band!
That's about it for now ... more updates to come!

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