Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stabilization ... finally!

Sorry for the delay between posts, but Music Momma has been busy trying to get things back to normal. A week & a half ago the AMMP returned from his big bathroom renovation adventure. Thank you God, now I do not have to be the only adult dealing with those 3 adorable amazing annoying young people who live in our house, but think they should have to do little or nothing to have the privilege of being fed & having a roof over their heads. Don't get me wrong, I love our children. I really do, but summer vacation has already been here for about 6 weeks. Now they have plenty of time to do all that nothing.
Anyway, my meds are definitely working. I've also been back to work for 2 weeks now & most importantly - NO MORE NIGHT SHIFT EVERY 4 WEEKS!!!! I have trying to get that change approved by my employer for 2 1/2 yrs. Unfortunately it took a hospitalization for that to happen, but no matter the circumstances at least it's done.
The AMMP started rehearsing the music for our community's summer musical, and our other music project is also going well. Our community stage band had it's first gig over the weekend. Not bad for only being together about 2 months! We had a few rough spots, but that's to be expected. Our next performance is in about 2 weeks & we will be much better prepared & have more songs ready by then. And Our son Geek Boy? He totally rocked his bass guitar playing. The kid is so solid you could hit him with a truck & not knock him over. Everyone did a great job & we are definitely looking forward to the rest of the summer.
Our girls, The Brainiac & DeeDee are involved in the children's play for the third summer. Brainiac plays what else - a headmistress & DeeDee is a fairy with a broken wing who keeps attempting to fly anyway. DeeDee will be attending summer bible camp next week, for the first time without her sister. She is very excited! She also started playing the clarinet & is taking lessons from her dad.
Nothing new on the job front for the AMMP, but there are some plans in the works. When we figure them out I will share what I can.